Hi, it is so nice to have you here! First of all, thanks a lot for visiting me.
It is a long time ago since I haven´t painted an illustration by hand. I always design prints or patterns digitally on my computer and I am afraid I have forgotten how to use crayons, watercolors or markers easily.
I remember it was very pleasant and relaxing to do it, and my studio was always a mess.
When I studied illustration, I created some childish illustrations which were a mix of oils colours, watercolours, and ink. I only keep three of these illustrations as all my others ones were given to my best friends and relatives as presents.
"A Spanish village"
I didn´t like to show them at that time as I thought they were not good technically speaking. I was not very good at perspective drawing subjet, in fact it was the most difficult subject for me. Nevertheless, I look at these illustrations now and I feel I have started to love them as I think they look original and naïve. I have got attached to them as they bring me back good memories. I am much more confident now about my work than I used to be.
Hace muchísimos años que no toco mi vieja caja de acuarelas, ni mis rotuladores de colores, ni mis ceras. Me paso el día frente a la pantalla del ordenador, que ya dudo si podría ser capaz de pintar con estos materiales con soltura.
Hace más de veinte años que dibujé unas ilustraciones sobre papeles manchados con pintura de óleo, y dibujaba con tinta siluetas de casas o de árboles y terminaba pintándolos con acuarela. En aquella época me daba vergüenza mostrar estos trabajos, sin embargo hoy los miro y siento que tenían su gracia, y me traen tan buenos recuerdos, que he terminado por encariñarme de ellos.
Hace más de veinte años que dibujé unas ilustraciones sobre papeles manchados con pintura de óleo, y dibujaba con tinta siluetas de casas o de árboles y terminaba pintándolos con acuarela. En aquella época me daba vergüenza mostrar estos trabajos, sin embargo hoy los miro y siento que tenían su gracia, y me traen tan buenos recuerdos, que he terminado por encariñarme de ellos.
Solo me quedan tres ilustraciones basados en ese estilo, ya que todos los demás que pinté los regalé a amigos y familiares. Ese estilo lo deje aparcado, ya que me dediqué durante años a estudiar diseño de modas y a aprender a dbujar figurines. Han pasado tantos años desde que los dibujé que me pregunto si podría ser capaz de recuperar ese estilo, y de crear nuevos trabajos. Me apetece mucho intentarlo, volcarme en ese nuevo reto. Como dice el refrán, más vale tarde que nunca.
I didn´t like to show them at that time as I thought they were not good technically speaking. I was not very good at perspective drawing subjet, in fact it was the most difficult subject for me. Nevertheless, I look at these illustrations now and I feel I have started to love them as I think they look original and naïve. I have got attached to them as they bring me back good memories. I am much more confident now about my work than I used to be.
I got surprised when one of my Arts teacher encouraged and supported me telling me to develop this style, and I even got good marks in my final exams thanks to them. After finishing that course, I realized I had felt attracted to fashion design since I was a child, and then I decided to learn to make fashion sketches and to study fashion design. It was a great decision to take as I discovered I loved it. Therefore, I didn´t develop that illustration style any more.
"Lonely trees"
"Danish houses"
Now, I would like to paint some more illustrations based on this naïve style, but I am not really sure if I am going to be able to, as I painted them more than twenty years ago. I feel very motivated to try, and I think I will paint houses and trees, as these are the icons I like to paint most.
Some weeks ago, I found my old watercolours paint black box in a drawer, but I need to buy some new brushes. As the quote says, "better late than never".
Some weeks ago, I found my old watercolours paint black box in a drawer, but I need to buy some new brushes. As the quote says, "better late than never".
"Danish houses"
I have a society6 shop, therefore, I thought it would be nice to add those illustrations to my art prints portfolio as I only showed patterns on it. They were very well received. http://society6.com/JuliaGrifoldesigns/Danish-houses_iPhone-Case
Surprisingly, some of my designs are licensed by Artscase brand and they show my Spanish village illustration as the main header image on my profile page.
This same illustration is also sold as iphone case. http://www.artscase.com/Apple-iPhone-5/ArtsCase-Apple-iPhone-5-A-Spanish-Village-AC1234257-Julia-Grifol.html
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