Hello, I am glad to have you here.
have worked as freelance designer for several Spanish firms for lots of years.
I have
sometimes found, it was a little hard or difficult to create the designs I was
asked for. I always thought I could improve my designs. I didn´t feel satisfied with my work; therefore I
spent hours and hours changing my designs in order to achieve a satisfying result for
me. I doubted a lot about everything I created.That feeling made me work hard and sometimes suffered of stress. I didn´t
know to disconnect from my work worries either.
to that long work experience, I have started to feel more confident about my work and
I don´t feel like that now. I used to think I was not good enough or that I needed
to learn more artistic techniques. In some way, I compared myself to others
very talented designers, and I felt my work was not good enough. So this bad feeling
made me feel sometimes frustrated. The worst part for me, it was to charge for my
work as I also doubted about what price was the fair one. In conclusion, I
was not confident with my work, I was unsure, and I didn´t believe I was talented. I love designing, but there is a big difference between designing what I like, to my own taste, and designing for firms based on their requirements, tastes and limitations.
am being sincere with you, as I know I am not the one who has felt like that about
her work some time. I think positive thinkings about our work make feel us much better,
therefore; I want to share a simple thought with you which it has helped me a lot,
and it is the following “what you create, it is unique”. This was told to me by a very creative, positive and talented designer, and her words touched me.
My snow flakes.
have realised I must love everything I design as it is mine, created by my
hands. My designs could be considered good or bad, some people would love them,
others would not, as "There's no accounting for taste".
My plane, balloon and helicopter icons.
good thing I have learned is that the icons I create, they are designed by my
own personal style, and nobody will create them or paint them in the same way I
did. I look at my birds or my owls motives, and I think, of course there are others gorgeous
birds illustrations
created by lots of talented designers, but these naïve or childish owls were created
by me, they are unique, mine, and therefore I must love them.
My owls icons
I think one
must love her designs or her patterns, to feel confident about them, this is the only way to open
doors. I keep working hard trying to have good thoughts; sometimes it is not easy to
eliminate our old mental fears, but we must try.
My floral tree
Sure, what you also create it is unique!!!Have a great weekend.
Bravo ! such a nice post.
ResponderEliminarNika, how nice from you!Muchas gracias.
ResponderEliminarHi again, Julia,
ResponderEliminarI'm catching up on your posts!
I love this one, too… especially that you talk about what goes on *inside* about creating your artwork. Recently, I read the book, "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg, and she talks about how questioning whether we're good enough is very normal for women. She wrote that we often hold ourselves back because we think we need to be better before we can really tell people we're good at something. She encourages us to find a way -- as you have -- to be more confident, so that we are willing to step forward ("Lean In!"). It's inspiring to read here that you've done that, you've found *your* way.
Hi Penina,
EliminarLots of thanks for your nice comment! I haven´t heard about the book you mention, but it must be very interesting. Yes, I have overcame lots of my last fears,and I feel really much more confident now as I am getting older, ha,ha, Anyway, sometimes things are not how I expected, and I loose "my way for a while!!