
Hello! how nice you visit me! lots of thanks!

I was on holidays with my children in a wonderful beach town, and we had great days there. I need to rest as I felt very tired. 
In August I hope to repeat it!

I am so devoted to my work, that I have had hardly time these lasts months for others issues! But I am really happy as I see all my work is starting to bear fruit.

This holidays have made me to feel new and in good mood. Nevertheless, although I have not designed anything in these free days, I haven´t been able to be completely disconnected from my screen computer.

In the mornings having a coffee, I felt the necessity of checking my e-mails in order not to miss any of interest to me, as I receive lots of them daily. 

In fact; I had to answer a couple of them. But this fact made me feel much better than not to have a look! Even I did some of promotion at facebook and have a look to some sales tracks.

I am going to take my appointment book and to write a long to-do list. It is very helpful for me to write it! I am planning all my next future plans I want to do, and the goals I want to achieve.

My children are excited about this new high school course starting in September, and this month is also for me as the beginning of a new stage, just as 1st January it was!

It is necessary for me to create new patterns as soon as I can!I am wondering what motives I should draw!

I am going to enter in new design contests, and to send exclusive designs to a textile magazine trying they like and publish them!

I also have some brands I would like to contact in order to license my future patterns. I would like to re-designed my blog and to open new accounts in some new Pod sites. 

I am happy as some just days ago, just returning from my holidays, some of my designs were put on sale by likemycase brand on its web. 


This has been one of my last licensing agreements.They made this nice mock up photo in order to promote my designs on some social media platforms. I like the happy ones designs they chose. 

They are also selling suitcases and bags with my designs now!

I am also excited as I have also licensed some of my designs to a nice home products brand, and they will sell them on their products soon.  

Only some days ago, I received some Spoonflowers fabric swatches I ordered. 

I made several colorways of one of my design, and I coloured them thinking in children fashion. I am satisfied with the printing results. 


I have told in lots of occasions, the great excitement it is to see your designs printed on fabric! I think I will choose two of these colorways and a dress maker will make two beautiful girl dresses with them.

Which of these colourways do you like most?

I am trying to take photos of real products, as in September I will be featured in a nice blog and they told me they wanted real products and not mock ups!

As I said, I am excited about all my plans… I feel I have recharged my batteries thanks to this nice holidays with my family! 

I hope you enjoy yours!!

Have a wonderful summer time and lots of work plans!

12 comentarios:

  1. Hola Julia,
    un placer volverte a leer con mi pequegna Zoe corridors a mi lado.
    El print Que mas me gusta es el color acqua, el del medico, 3o, precioso para un version
    Para nignas :)
    Buen finde !!!

    1. Gloria, como me alegro te gusten! Gracias por decirme cual es tu preferido! Muchas gracias. Besos

  2. Lovely to read about all your plans and wish you all the best with them! Your cases and fabrics are really beautiful, Julia!

    1. Judy, lots of thanks for your nice comment. Wishing you the best.

  3. Everything looks wonderful Julia! I love that fabric - I would say teal and my always favourite, orange. Good luck with everything! Julie

    1. Julie, much appreciated! It seems orange is one of the most liked! lots of thanks!

  4. Hi Julia, so interesting to read about your future plans, good luck.
    P.S. I also like orange and teal :)

    1. Dawn, I hope you also have lots plans, sure! Thanks a lot for your opinition!

  5. I really love how these printed Julia! They look great!

  6. I like 2 and 3, the orange-red and the aqua!
